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Dev C# Articles​

Garbage Collector​

  • 2022-08-01 🌟 Asynchronous Programming in .NET - Introduction, Misconceptions, and Problems Blog
    • Asynchronous Programming in .NET - Introduction, Misconceptions, and Problems
    • Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Programming
    • CPU-Bound vs. I/O-Bound
    • Identifying I/O-Bound and CPU-Bound Code
    • An I/O-Bound Async / Await Example in .NET
    • A CPU-Bound Async / Await Example in .NET
    • Why Should You Use Asynchronous Programming?
    • Asynchrony is Viral
    • Threads and the Thread-Pool
    • The Task Type
    • How Do the Async / Await Keywords Work?
    • Why is it Important for Web Applications to Use Async / Await for I/O-Bound Work?
    • Why is it Important for UI Applications to Use Async / Await for I/O-Bound and CPU-Bound Work?
    • Doing Multiple Things at Once
    • What Exactly Does Task.Run Do?
    • Common Misconceptions When Using Async / Await in .NET
    • The Biggest Problem (Sync-Over-Async)
    • What is Thread-Pool Starvation?
    • Full Async Reading List

2023-04-16 5 useful extensions for Task T in .NET

Fire and forget

public static void FireAndForget(
this Task task,
Action<Exception> errorHandler = null)
task.ContinueWith(t =>
if (t.IsFaulted && errorHandler != null)
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);


var result = await (() => GetResultAsync()).Retry(3, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));


await GetResultAsync().OnFailure(ex => Console.WriteLine(ex.Message));
  1. Timeout
await GetResultAsync().WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
  1. Fallback
var result = await GetResultAsync().Fallback("fallback");

2023-08-05 Back to Basics: Efficient Async and Await - Filip Ekberg - NDC Oslo 2023 - YouTube

Tasks / async / await


Performance measurement in C#​

2023-02-05 Video A mortal's guide to making a pig run faster - Richard Banks - NDC Sydney 2022 - YouTube

The talk about performance optimization in .NET Tools:


2023-01-10 SharpLab

Online tool to explore compiled .NET code


2023-02-05 Generating Sample Data with Bogus

dotnet add package Bogus

Bogus is a library that works with C#, F# and VB.NET that can be used to create repeatable, fake data for applications. It is somewhat a port of a similar library Bogus.js. It accomplished this by creating generators (called Fakers) that have a set of rules for generating one or more fake objects. Built-into Bogus is a set of generalized rules for common data categories (i.e. Addresses, Companies, People, Phone Numbers, etc.). Enough talk, let’s see how it works. The full repo is at:

2023-06-29 Performance tricks I learned from contributing to open source .NET packages - Daniel Marbach - YouTube

danielmarbach/PerformanceTricksAzureSDK: Performance tricks I learned from contributing to the Azure .NET SDK github repository for this talk.


  • Use Array.Empty<T>() to represent empty arrays
  • Use Enumerable.Empty<T> to represent empty enumerables
  • Prevent collections from growing


  • Use memory profilers and watch out for excessive allocations of *__DisplayClass* or various variants of Action* and Func*

  • Use tools like Heap Allocation Viewer (Rider) or Heap Allocation Analyzer (Visual Studio)

  • Avoid excessive allocations to reduce the GC overhead

  • Think at least twice before using LINQ or unnecessary enumeration on the hot path

  • Be aware of closure allocations

  • Pool and re-use buffers

  • For smaller local buffers, consider using the stack

  • Be aware of parameter overloads

  • Where possible and feasible use value types but pay attention to unnecessary boxing

  • Move allocations away from the hot-path where possible

  • C# 9 - Improving performance using the SkipLocalsInit attribute - Meziantou's blog