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ffmpeg snippets​

Date: 2023-03-15

A collection of ffmpeg snippets.

Extract a frames as images from​

PowerShell script proccess.ps1 to extract a frames as images from video_name.avi to folder video_name.avi_frames\image-{ n }.jpeg


proccess.cmd video_name.avi
.\proccess.ps1 video_name.avi
.\proccess.ps1 -FileName video_name.avi

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Image Extractor"
$ThisScriptPath = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition

# if does not exists, create the folder $($FileName) without extension
$outputDir = "$($FileName)_frames"

if (-not (Test-Path -Path $outputDir)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $outputDir

$cmd = "ffmpeg -i `"$($FileName)`" -q:v 1 -r 5 -f image2 `"$($outputDir)\image-%2d.jpeg`""
# -q:v 1 - quality of the image (1 is the best)
# -r 5 - frame rate (5 frames per second)
# -f image2 - format of the output (image2 is jpeg)

Write-Host $cmd
Invoke-Expression $cmd -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Host

Companion proccess.cmd:

Magic file to launch .ps1 file with same file name (and extension .ps1)

@powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -File %~dp0%~n0.ps1 %*

Reencode and concatenate GOPRO 9 videos​


gopro.cmd -DryRun
  • Reencodes GOPRO videos to significantly reduce the file size.

  • Concatenates the partial GoPro video files

Companion gopro.cmd:

Magic file to launch .ps1 file with same file name (and extension .ps1)

@rem Example Usage:
@rem runs powershell (v5) script with same name as this .cmd file
@powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -File %~dp0%~n0.ps1 %*

File gopro.ps1:

param (
[string]$Path = ".",
[switch]$DryRun = $false

# Get the files in the specified directory with the filter "GX*.MP4" and sort them
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter "GX*.MP4" | Sort-Object Name

# Group the files by their video id number
$groupedFiles = $files | Group-Object { $_.Name.Substring(4, 4) }

foreach ($group in $groupedFiles) {
$videoId = $group.Name
$outputFile = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath "Video_libx265_$($videoId).MP4"

# If there's only one file in the group, process it directly
if ($group.Count -eq 1) {
$inputFile = $($group.Group[0].FullName)
$ffmpegArgs = "-i `"$($inputFile)`" -vcodec libx265 -preset faster -crf 28 `"$($outputFile)`""
} else {
# If there are multiple parts, concatenate them
$concatList = ""
foreach ($part in $group.Group) {
$concatList += "file '" + $($part.FullName) + "'" + [Environment]::NewLine
$concatFile = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath "concat_$($videoId).txt"
Set-Content -Path $concatFile -Value $concatList

$ffmpegArgs = "-f concat -safe 0 -i `"$($concatFile)`" -vcodec libx265 -preset faster -crf 28 `"$($outputFile)`""

$ffmpegCmd = "ffmpeg.exe $($ffmpegArgs)"

if ($DryRun) {
Write-Host "Dry Run: $($ffmpegCmd)"
} else {
Write-Host "Executing: $($ffmpegCmd)"
try {
# Execute the ffmpeg command
Invoke-Expression -Command $ffmpegCmd -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
# Log the error and exit the script if an error occurs
Write-Host "Error processing video $($videoId): $_"
exit 1