Date: 2024-11-10
I will think critically and objectively about the problem.
Learn Luaβ
2024-11-11 Lua cheatsheet { }
2024-11-11 Lua Cheat Sheet { }
Updated to Lua 5.4 with the GPT assistance. I am not sure if it works
-- Lua Cheat Sheet for Programmers, by Al Sweigart
-- This cheat sheet is an executable Lua program.
This is a multiline comment
This is a neat trick. The first -- makes -[[ not a multiline comment.
print("This line executes.")
--]] The rest of this line is also a comment.
print("Here is a string" .. ' concatenated with ' .. 2 .. ' other strings.')
-- Note: All number types are doubles. There are no integers.
print(type(42), type(42.0)) -- prints out "number number"
-- Variables
variable_one = 1 + 2 - 3 -- This will equal zero.
variable_One = "Variables are case sensitive."
negative_twofiftysix = -2^8
-- Multiple assignment and swapping
local a, b = 42, 101
a, b = b, a -- provides a nice value swap trick
local x, y, z = 1, 2, 3, "this value is discarded"
-- nil comparisons
print(previously_unused_variable == nil) -- prints true, all vars start as nil
print(nil == 0 or nil == "") -- prints false, nil is not the same as false or 0
print('The # len operator says there are ' .. #'hello' .. ' letters in "hello".')
-- Boolean operations
some_bool_variable = true and false or true and not false
-- Tables
local a_table = {['spam'] = "Type something in:", ['eggs'] = 10} -- tables are dictionaries/arrays
-- User input
local what_the_user_typed_in =
print('You typed in ' .. what_the_user_typed_in)
-- If statements
if 10 < 20 then
print("apple" == "orange") -- prints false
print("apple" ~= "orange") -- true, an apple is not equal to an orange
local foo = 42
elif 50 < 100 then
-- These clauses can contain no lines of code.
-- Scoping example
print(foo) -- prints nil, local foo exists only in that "if" block above
-- While loop
local m = 0
while m < 10 do
print("howdy " .. m)
m = m + 1 -- there is no m++ or m += 1
print("Repeat loops check the condition at end, and stops if it is true.")
break -- breaks out of the loop early
until m == 9999
-- For loops
for i = 1, 10 do
for j = 1, 10, 2 do
print("for loops add 1 to i and 2 to j each iteration " .. i .. ' ' .. j)
-- Functions
local function Greet(name)
print('Hello ' .. name)
bar = 100
return "returns nil if you don't have a return statement."
Greet('Al Sweigart')
print(bar) -- prints 100
Additional Lua Features:
-- 1. Metatables and Metamethods
local myTable = {1, 2, 3}
setmetatable(myTable, {
__add = function(table1, table2)
local result = {}
for i = 1, #table1 do
result[i] = table1[i] + table2[i]
return result
local anotherTable = {4, 5, 6}
local resultTable = myTable + anotherTable
print(resultTable[1], resultTable[2], resultTable[3]) -- demonstrates metamethods
-- 2. Coroutines
local function foo()
for i = 1, 10 do
print("Coroutine iteration: " .. i)
coroutine.yield() -- pauses the coroutine
local co = coroutine.create(foo)
coroutine.resume(co) -- runs until yield
coroutine.resume(co) -- resumes from yield
-- 3. Modules and Packages
-- Modules and packages allow us to separate code into reusable parts.
local myModule = require("myModule")
-- 4. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with Lua
local Account = {balance = 0}
function Account:new(o, balance)
o = o or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
self.balance = balance or 0
return o
function Account:deposit(amount)
self.balance = self.balance + amount
local myAccount = Account:new(nil, 100)
print(myAccount.balance) -- prints 150
-- 5. Error Handling
local status, err = pcall(function() error("An error occurred") end)
if not status then
print("Caught error: " .. err)
-- 6. File Handling and File I/O
local file ="test.txt", "w")
file:write("Hello World")
-- 7. String Manipulation Functions
print(string.find("Hello Lua", "Lua")) -- finds "Lua" in string
print(string.match("I have 2 apples", "%d")) -- finds digits in string
-- 8. Mathematical Functions
print(math.sin(math.pi / 2)) -- prints 1
print(math.floor(3.14)) -- prints 3
-- 9. Standard Library Functions
print(table.concat({"Hello", "Lua"}, " ")) -- concatenates table values with separator
-- 10. Iterators and the `pairs` / `ipairs` functions
for key, value in pairs(a_table) do
print(key, value)
-- 11. Garbage Collection
collectgarbage() -- performs garbage collection
-- 12. Environment Manipulation
print(_G) -- prints global environment table
-- 13. Debug Library
print(debug.traceback()) -- prints a traceback
-- 14. Weak Tables
local weakTable = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"}) -- weak reference in values
-- 15. Upvalues and Closures
local function outerFunc()
local x = 0
return function()
x = x + 1
return x
local counter = outerFunc()
print(counter()) -- prints 1
print(counter()) -- prints 2
-- 16. Bitwise Operations
-- Lua 5.3 introduced bitwise operators like &, |, ~, <<, >>
local bitwise_and = 5 & 3 -- performs bitwise AND, result is 1
local bitwise_or = 5 | 3 -- performs bitwise OR, result is 7
local bitwise_not = ~5 -- performs bitwise NOT, result is -6
local bitwise_shift_left = 5 << 1 -- result is 10
local bitwise_shift_right = 5 >> 1 -- result is 2
print(bitwise_and, bitwise_or, bitwise_not, bitwise_shift_left, bitwise_shift_right)
-- 17. Finer Control of Scope (do blocks)
local scoped_var = 42
print(scoped_var) -- prints 42
-- print(scoped_var) -- would cause an error, scoped_var is not defined here
-- 18. Custom Iterators
function custom_iterator(max_count)
local count = 0
return function()
count = count + 1
if count <= max_count then
return count
for value in custom_iterator(5) do
print(value) -- prints values from 1 to 5
-- 19. Pattern Matching with string.gsub
local str = "I have 2 apples and 3 oranges."
local result_str = string.gsub(str, "%d+", "<number>") -- replaces all digits with '<number>'
print(result_str) -- prints: I have <number> apples and <number> oranges.
-- 20. Tables as Sets
local setA = {1, 2, 3}
local setB = {3, 4, 5}
local union = {}
local intersection = {}
-- Union operation
for _, v in ipairs(setA) do union[v] = true end
for _, v in ipairs(setB) do union[v] = true end
for k in pairs(union) do print(k) end
-- Intersection operation
for _, v in ipairs(setA) do intersection[v] = false end
for _, v in ipairs(setB) do
if intersection[v] == false then
intersection[v] = true
for k, v in pairs(intersection) do
if v == true then
-- 21. Command Line Arguments
-- The 'arg' table stores command line arguments passed to the script
for i, v in ipairs(arg) do
print("Argument " .. i .. ": " .. v)
2024-11-11 Awesome Lua Cheat Sheet Β· GitHub {}
2024-11-11 Learn Lua: Introduction to Lua Cheatsheet | Codecademy { }
Projects π Luaβ
Hereβs a categorized list of the Lua-based projects, organized by their primary application domain. This organization provides better context and relevance:
Text Editors and IDEsβ
- Neovim: A hyperextensible Vim-based text editor using Lua for configuration and plugin development.
- Repository: GitHub - neovim/neovim
- ZeroBrane Studio: A lightweight Lua IDE with debugging support for quick development cycles.
- Repository: GitHub - pkulchenko/ZeroBraneStudio
- MobDebug: A remote debugger for Lua integrated into various Lua environments.
- Repository: GitHub - pkulchenko/MobDebug
Networking and Web Developmentβ
- Wireshark: A network protocol analyzer supporting Lua for custom dissectors and plugins.
- Repository: GitLab - Wireshark
- Nmap: Lua-powered Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) enables advanced network discovery and security tasks.
- Repository: GitHub - nmap/nmap
- OpenResty: A full-fledged web application server bundling Nginx and LuaJIT.
- Repository: GitHub - openresty/openresty
- Kong: An open-source API gateway leveraging Lua for plugin development and request handling.
- Repository: GitHub - Kong/kong
- Lapis: A Lua-based web framework running inside OpenResty for creating performant web applications.
- Repository: GitHub - leafo/lapis
- Apache Traffic Server: A high-performance web proxy cache with Lua-based plugins for customization.
- Repository: GitHub - apache/trafficserver
- LuCI: A web-based configuration interface for OpenWrt routers, built entirely with Lua.
- Repository: GitHub - openwrt/luci
Game Development and Moddingβ
- LΓVE: A framework for creating 2D games in Lua.
- Repository: GitHub - love2d/love
- Minetest: A voxel game engine using Lua for modding custom game content.
- Repository: GitHub - minetest/minetest
- Defold: A cross-platform game engine using Lua for scripting game logic.
- Repository: GitHub - defold/defold
- Hedgewars: A Worms-like strategy game using Lua for scripting missions and AI.
- Repository: GitHub - hedgewars/hw
- Cocos2d-x: A game development framework with Lua bindings for cross-platform game logic.
- Repository: GitHub - cocos2d/cocos2d-x
- The Powder Toy: A free physics sandbox game using Lua for modding custom elements and simulations.
- Repository: GitHub - The-Powder-Toy/The-Powder-Toy
- Windower: A Final Fantasy XI tool that enables Lua scripting for custom plugins and game enhancements.
- Repository: GitHub - Windower/Lua
- Pandoc: A universal document converter with Lua filters for AST manipulation.
- Repository: GitHub - jgm/pandoc
Operating Systems and Window Managersβ
- AwesomeWM: A highly configurable window manager for X using Lua for scripting.
- Repository: GitHub - awesomeWM/awesome
- OpenTX: Open-source firmware for RC radio transmitters using Lua for custom functions.
- Repository: GitHub - opentx/opentx
Database and Backend Toolsβ
- Tarantool: An in-memory database and application server using Lua for stored procedures.
- Repository: GitHub - tarantool/tarantool
Media and Graphicsβ
- mpv: A media player supporting Lua scripting for automation and IPC.
- Repository: GitHub - mpv-player/mpv
- Darktable: An open-source photography workflow application supporting Lua scripting for task automation.
- Repository: GitHub - darktable-org/darktable
Networking and Packet Processingβ
- Snabb: A high-performance networking toolkit using LuaJIT for processing network packets.
- Repository: GitHub - snabbco/snabb
Programming Tools and Extensionsβ
- Premake: A build configuration tool using Lua scripts to generate project files for multiple platforms.
- Repository: GitHub - premake/premake-core
- Flow: Lua-based projects like TypeScriptToLua compile TypeScript to Lua for static typing benefits.
- Repository: GitHub - TypeScriptToLua/TypeScriptToLua
- Ravi: A Lua derivative with optional static typing and JIT compilation for enhanced performance.
- Repository: GitHub - dibyendumajumdar/ravi
Automation and Workflow Toolsβ
- Hammerspoon: A macOS tool using Lua scripting for automating workflows and OS integration.
- Repository: GitHub - Hammerspoon/hammerspoon
- SILE: A TeX-inspired typesetting system using Lua for configuration and custom extensions.
- Repository: GitHub - sile-typesetter/sile
Community and Modular Extensionsβ
- AwesomeWM Widgets: Community-driven widgets and extensions for Awesome Window Manager, all scripted in Lua.
- Repository: GitHub - streetturtle/awesome-wm-widgets
- Eluna: A Lua engine for World of Warcraft emulators, allowing custom scripting for mechanics and events.
- Repository: GitHub - ElunaLuaEngine/Eluna
- Mushclient: A MUD client supporting Lua scripting for automating gameplay and custom behaviors.
- Repository: GitHub - nickgammon/MUSHclient
- mpv Socket Control: Enables Lua-based remote control and IPC scripting for the mpv media player.
- Repository: GitHub - mpv-player/mpv
3D Applicationsβ
- Crown Engine: A high-performance game engine using Lua for scripting real-time applications.
- Repository: GitHub - dbartolini/crown